Thursday, July 28, 2011

landscape landscape

Between comic cons and workshops ... ... + my lazy butt, i finally did another study >_< here it is!

Monday, July 18, 2011

study #3

Finished version:

WIP version:

Just a quck study. have no time to flush it out!!! D:

another one

it's so hard to get the fluidity of the clouds and puffiness. : l

Study #3

Downtime at work! quick and dirty study, super small

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Study #2! WIP

When I say WIP, I probably just mean Ill Never touch it again.

time to practice more landscape !

landscape and environment have always been my weaknesses, which means i should probably do more studies on them. Thanks Ang for starting me off with this one :D :D

Friday, July 8, 2011

back on the blog!

i went to new york for 10 days and then san diego for a finally back in pasadena, and started painting and cooking again! so rusty, must practice more! here's one, saw something like this in new york. i suppose girls' needs for shopping and fashion know no aging. :)